Secrets to Skyrocket Your Xiaohongshu CTR


Xiaohongshu, also known as Little Red Book, has become a pivotal platform for users to share their lifestyle and shopping experiences. Click-through rate (CTR) is a crucial metric for measuring the popularity of your posts. This blog will delve into effective strategies to boost your Xiaohongshu post CTR, helping you attract more readers and engagement.

Understanding Click-Through Rate

CTR refers to the percentage of users who click on your post after seeing it on the discovery or search page. It’s also known as the post open rate. CTR is the foundation of all metrics, as users must click on your post before they can like or save it. Regularly optimizing your cover image and title to improve CTR is essential for creating viral content!

CTR Calculation

The formula for calculating CTR is:
CTR = Number of Reads / Number of Impressions
For example, if your post is shown to 100 people and 20 of them click to read it, your CTR is 20%. Understanding this formula can help you better analyze and optimize your post performance.

What’s a Good CTR?

Generally, a CTR above 11% is considered acceptable, but this isn’t a hard rule. Different types of accounts and niches have varying standards. Some accounts may need a CTR above 20% to achieve good follower growth, while others might be doing well with just 5%. It’s best to set your own standards based on your operational goals.

How to Check Your CTR

Xiaohongshu doesn’t directly display impression counts. To view your CTR, you need to access the Professional Account Center:

  1. Go to your profile
  2. Click the top-left corner to select “Professional Account Center” (專業號中心)
  3. Choose “More Data” to enter the data center
  4. Click “All Posts” and swipe left to view the next page of data

Here, you can see the CTR for each of your posts!

Secrets to Skyrocket Your Xiaohongshu CTR2

Optimizing Your CTR

The key to improving CTR lies in optimizing your post cover and title. Here are some practical tips:

  1. Spark Curiosity: Create suspense or contrast to make users want to click. For example, use titles like “You’ll never guess what…” to grab attention.
  2. Convey the Value of your Post: Ensure your title and cover clearly convey the value of your post. Make users feel they’ll gain something by clicking. For instance, “5 Must-Know Skincare Hacks” is very appealing.
  3. Study Popular Posts: Analyze top-performing posts in your niche. Look at their titles and cover designs to learn successful strategies.
  4. High-Quality Covers: Use clear, attractive images and avoid hard-sell designs. Your cover should pique users’ interest, making them think, “I haven’t seen this before, I want to check it out!”


Improving your Xiaohongshu post CTR should be a priority for every creator. By optimizing titles, cover designs, and understanding CTR calculation methods and standards, you can effectively increase your post’s exposure and engagement. We hope these practical tips will help you gain more attention and support on Xiaohongshu!

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