In the world of influencer marketing, especially on platforms like Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), understanding key performance indicators (KPIs) is crucial for success. Here are four vital metrics to evaluate your Key Opinion Leader (KOL) advertising campaigns:

1. Cost Per Reading (CPR)

CPR measures the cost-effectiveness of your content’s reach:

  • Evaluates the cost of effective exposure for each post
  • A CPR below ¥1 is good, below ¥0.5 is excellent
  • Formula: CPR = KOL post cost / Number of views

2. Cost Per Engagement (CPE)

CPE assesses user interest in your content:

  • Most valued metric by brands
  • Lower CPE indicates higher user interest and potential conversion
  • A CPE below ¥10 is good, below ¥5 is excellent
  • Formula: CPE = KOL post cost / Total engagements (likes, saves, comments)

3. Engagement Rate

Engagement rate measures content and product approval:

  • Evaluates KOL’s fan loyalty and data stability
  • Higher, consistent engagement rates indicate lower risk for brands
  • Formula: Engagement Rate = (Likes + Saves + Comments) / Number of views

4. Viral Post Rate

Viral post rate assesses overall KOL campaign effectiveness:

  • A rate above 20% indicates a successful campaign
  • Formula: Viral Post Rate = Number of viral posts / Total posts published

Viral Post Benchmarks:

  • Minor viral post: 1,000+ engagements
  • Major viral post: 10,000+ engagements
  • Super viral post: 100,000+ engagements

By focusing on these metrics, marketers can optimize their Xiaohongshu KOL campaigns for maximum impact and ROI. Remember, successful influencer marketing on Xiaohongshu requires a balance of authentic content creation, strategic collaborations, and data-driven decision-making.

For brands looking to expand their presence in the Chinese market, mastering these KPIs is essential for navigating Xiaohongshu’s unique ecosystem and connecting with its young, affluent user base.

 Contact us at [email protected] to discover how our intelligent technologies can propel your business growth. We look forward to collaborating with you to shape the future!

About Us:
Tocanan provides market intelligence solution that analyses millions unstructured data points across various sources, from news to social media to e-commerce, to help marketers see tomorrow’s opportunities today.

We provide market intelligence solution with features like:
1. AI approach to unlocking marketing intelligence
2. Tailored metrics that empowers your decision making
3. Transform complex data into understandable insights
4. Frees up marketers’ valuable time from data crunching

Our expert team comprises client-focused veterans, with data science, research and consulting skills, and the passion to answer challenging marketing questions. Our domain expertise includes automobile, beauty, hospitality, information and communication technology, luxury, travel, and FMCG.