Crafting an attention-grabbing title is crucial for marketing success on Xiaohongshu. A well-written title not only captures users’ attention but also increases click-through and engagement rates for your posts. This article will share several techniques for creating viral titles on Xiaohongshu, helping your content stand out from the crowd. 

1. Utilize Numbers 

Numbers have a visual impact and can quickly catch users’ eyes. Specific figures lend credibility and authority to your content. 


  • “Eat Your Way Through Shanghai’s City God Temple for 100 Yuan”: Uses a concrete amount to convey practicality and affordability. 
  • “Create a Vintage-Style VLOG in 3 Steps”: A simple step count makes the process seem easy and approachable. 
  • “2021 Popular Hair Color Collection”: The year makes the content feel fresh and trendy. 

2. Enhance Conversational Tone and Storytelling 

A conversational tone and storytelling approach can create a sense of intimacy with users, making your content feel more relatable and authentic. 


  •  “My Romantic Day Trip in Paris”: Using first-person pronouns like “I” or “we” or “my” increases relatability and trustworthiness. 
  • “An Easy Fitness Plan You Can Follow Too”: Addressing the reader directly encourages them to try the suggested plan. 

3. Evoke Emotions and Create Resonance 

Emotional resonance can increase users’ sense of connection, making them more likely to engage with your content. 


  • “Wow! This Face Mask Actually Makes Your Skin Glow!”: Strong emotional language and sensory descriptions create a powerful mental image. 
  • “Creamy Texture – This Hand Cream is Amazing!”: Clever use of sensory language helps users imagine the product experience. 

A compelling title is the first step in attracting user attention. By applying these methods and techniques, you can create more engaging Xiaohongshu titles that attract more user interest and interaction. Try these tips and see if your posts become the next viral sensation! 

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Tocanan provides market intelligence solution that analyses millions unstructured data points across various sources, from news to social media to e-commerce, to help marketers see tomorrow’s opportunities today.

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